2013 • 27' • French
Director(s): Jean-Marie Barrière & Janick Cardiec • Producer(s): Grand Angle Productions • Coproducer(s): France Télévisions • Format(s): HD
After meeting Dr Brasseur and his team in episode one, the second episode opens with the operation on the dog, Diana, despite the risk and very high costs of the surgery. After talking to their bank manager, the owners have given the go-ahead for the operation. Dr Brasseur is able to remove a pair of boxer shorts from the dog’s colon. His son, David, is an expert in new pets. Today, he has to examine Godzilla, the iguana, and he’s going to have to blindfold him in order to work on him. In the exotic department, he and his associations deal with several rats and parrots. Operations follow on upon another and we attend that of a dog with a damaged eye. The case of the Shar Peis, “the vet’s nightmare”, is a special concern for Dr Brasseur. On exceptional occasions, team members leave the clinic, in particular to treat animals in the Paradisio Park. This time, they spend their entire time with a lemur and a squirrel monkey.