2016 • 26' • French & English
Director(s): Pierre Goetschel • Producer(s): Grand Angle Productions • Coproducer(s): ARTE • Format(s): 4K • Codec: ProresHQ 4444 / .mov (50i, 4k 3840*2160p, interlaced)
On the island of Santorini, the pearl of the Cyclades in Greece, a vine with a surprising shape has been thriving for thousands of years. It grows on the crust of ash from the volcano’s eruption 3,500 years ago and is still one of the few plants that can withstand the poverty of the soil and the violent winds from the sea.
The vine grows along the ground and winegrowers weave it like baskets or nests in order to protect the precious grape.
The vine stocks have exceptionally long lives and this is the only vineyard that completley survived phylloxera because of its volcanic soil.
Today, this vineyard, one of the oldest in the world, still keeps the same methods of cultivation and the wines that are the legacy of antiquity. It is the child of the volcano and the sea.