2013 • 52' • French, English
Director(s): Alex Gary • Producer(s): Via Découvertes • Coproducer(s): Stylia • Format(s): HD
Age-old tradition, worldwide fashion, massages are a bubble of wellbeing where one can seclude oneself, where time no longer seems quite as important. They represent an ever growing need that is symptomatic of the whirlwind of our society. Global economic crisis, new technologies that are more and more intrusive in our daily lives, stress generated by pervading pessimism, contribute to push millions of people towards massage. From all the continents, they come to northern Thailand to receive training from blind people, the new stars of this discipline, sought-after for their unique touch due to their blindness. In Paris, in the area of La Défense, the opposite extreme of the “zenitude”, the new tendency is for companies to “offer” their employees massages, investment at a lower cost for a guaranteed competitiveness. In Montreal, Canada, children are given lessons at school on how to massage each other and parents learn how to practice infant massaging… the discovery of wellbeing in the cradle! Some practitioners use the “Tapping solution” or the EFT invented in the US and now practiced on all continents to efficiently release trauma and relieve many symptoms. Massage, a fascinating tradition and yet incredibly modern, becomes available all over the world.