Plastic Surgery

2024 • 26' • English

Poster of Plastic Surgery

Director(s): Karina Marceau • Producer(s): PVP Media • Coproducer(s): Savoir Média • Country of production: Canada • Format(s): HD - 4K

Close to 3,000 years ago, an Indian surgeon was reconstructing the noses of patients who had had their noses cut off as a punishment for adultery. This episode takes us through the rich history of plastic surgery and leads us to explore prosthetics glued using plant sap, facial reconstructions for war injuries, and the story of a very particular Italian graft. Our exploration into plastic surgery continues into the future as processes continue to evolve and what once seemed far-fetched, such as lab-made organs, prosthetics and human tissues become a possibility. The future is the era of augmented humans. In the operating room, we witness surgery restoring the function of the membranes that protect eyeballs.

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